

合作作者[TOP 5]



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    国外: 253


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    外部: 1234
    国内: 1199
    国外: 38


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1. 海岸环境中微塑料污染及其生态效应研究进展 [5209]
2. 滨海潮滩土壤中微塑料的分离及其表面微观特征 [2693]
3. Anthropogenic, Direct Pressures on Coastal Wetlands [1117]
4. Response to "Commentary by J. B. Richardson on 'Anthropogenic merc.. [1101]
5. 中国土壤环境质量标准中重金属指标的筛选研究 [1053]
6. Abundance and morphology of microplastics in an agricultural soil .. [1031]
7. Black Carbon Contributes Substantially to Allochthonous Carbon Sto.. [983]
8. 一种微颗粒塑料的连续流动分离浮选装置及方法 [956]
9. 黄河三角洲内陆到潮滩土壤中碳、氮元素的梯度分布规律 [906]
10. Stocks and losses of soil organic carbon from Chinese vegetated co.. [898]
11. Impact of the Kuroshio intrusion on the nutrient inventory in the .. [897]
12. Structural and Functional Characteristics of Microplastic Associat.. [834]
13. Distribution of heavy metals in soils of the Yellow River Delta: c.. [806]
14. Changes in organic carbon fractions and sources in deltaic topsoil.. [799]
15. Fenton法和类Fenton法降解土壤中的二苯砷酸 [773]
16. Occurrence of red clay horizon in soil profiles of the Yellow Rive.. [761]
17. 曹妃甸围填海土壤重金属积累的磁化率指示研究 [744]
18. Anthropogenic mercury sequestration in different soil types on the.. [740]
19. 黄河三角洲土壤及其红粘层的地球化学特征与环境意义 [721]
20. Carbon accumulation in the red clay layer of the subsoil in a majo.. [712]
21. 耕地和草地土壤健康研究进展与展望 [690]
22. Impacts of land use and salinization on soil inorganic and organic.. [671]
23. 滨海湿地环境中微塑料表面性质及形貌变化 [665]
24. Who made the world's largest green tide in China?-an integrated st.. [663]
25. Soil accumulation and chemical fractions of Cu in a large and long.. [645]
26. 禾本科作物小麦能吸收和积累聚苯乙烯塑料微球 [615]
27. Fabrication of a Micro-Needle Sensor Based on Copper Microspheres .. [555]
28. A novel stainless steel needle electrode based on porous gold nano.. [539]
29. 柠檬酸对污染棕壤中镉的去除优化及结合形态影响 [533]
30. 禾本科作物小麦能吸收和积累聚苯乙烯塑料微球 [515]
31. 低密度聚乙烯薄膜微塑料在黄河口海岸带环境中的风化特征 [507]
32. The influences of phytohormones on triacylglycerol accumulation in.. [453]
33. Soil high Cd exacerbates the adverse impact of elevated O-3 on Pop.. [449]
34. Response to "Commentary by J. B. Richardson on 'Anthropogenic merc.. [431]
35. Magnetic characterization of distinct soil layers and its implicat.. [388]
36. Transient expression of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eg.. [333]
37. Sequential washing and eluent regeneration with agricultural waste.. [333]
38. 滨海河口潮滩中微塑料的表面风化和成分变化 [314]
39. Biofilm enhances the copper (II) adsorption on microplastic surfac.. [300]
40. A novel dark septate fungal endophyte positively affected blueberr.. [299]
41. Responses of Labile Organic Carbon and Extractable Cadmium Fractio.. [298]
42. Further insights into the highly derived haptorids (Ciliophora, Li.. [296]
43. 土壤污染特征、过程与有效性 [294]
44. Feasibility of a combined solubilization and eluent drainage syste.. [293]
45. 滨海苹果园土壤碳氮空间分布及动态变化研究 [255]
46. 滨海河口潮滩中微塑料的表面风化和成分变化研究 [248]
47. A red clay layer in soils of the Yellow River Delta: Occurrence, p.. [247]
48. Combined effects of damming and drought on nitrogen dynamics in an.. [233]
49. 黄河三角洲土壤及其环境 [229]
50. Removal of Cd from contaminated farmland soil by washing with resi.. [229]
51. Transdisciplinary, Co-Designed and Adaptive Management for the Sus.. [227]
52. Extended application of diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) in.. [222]
53. The Gulf of Carpentaria heated Torres Strait and the Northern Grea.. [197]
54. Response to "Commentary by J. B. Richardson on 'Anthropogenic merc.. [173]
55. Divergent soil health responses to long-term inorganic and organic.. [139]
56. Source Identification and Risk Assessment of Trace Metals in Surfa.. [132]
57. Dynamics of trace element enrichment in blue carbon ecosystems in .. [117]
58. 海岸带蓝碳增汇:理念、技术与未来建议 [106]
59. 一种微耕机用磁盘式污染土壤重金属磁场原位回收装置 [105]
60. 基于D-最优设计的腐殖酸淋洗修复砷镉污染土壤的优化方法 [97]
61. 一种伸缩磁棒式车载污染土壤重金属磁场原位净化装置 [91]
62. 一种磁片传送式车载污染土壤重金属磁场原位净化装置 [89]
63. 长期连续施用猪粪的旱地红壤肥力健康与花生产量研究 [86]
64. 一种传送带式车载污染土壤重金属磁场原位净化装置 [79]
65. 磁性黏土颗粒对污染土壤中镉去除作用的初步研究 [75]
66. 一种利用增溶增排方式修复土壤的方法及其装置 [71]
67. 一种场地土壤砷生物有效性预测模型及其构建方法和应用 [66]
68. 一种传送带式污染土壤重金属磁场原位回收机构 [61]
69. 一种磁盘式污染土壤重金属功能磁粒回收分离机构 [58]
70. 一种伸缩磁棒式污染土壤重金属磁场原位回收机构 [54]
71. Climate and mineral accretion as drivers of mineral-associated and.. [54]
72. 一种磁片传送式污染土壤重金属磁场原位回收机构 [49]
73. 一种基于磁性复合颗粒材料的污染土壤镉去除装置 [46]
74. Source identification of sedimentary organic carbon in coastal wet.. [44]
75. Reflux symptom questionnaire in the diagnosis of reflux oesophagit.. [18]
76. MGDA-assisted plant washing agent for improving the removal of Cd .. [1]
77. Losses and destabilization of soil organic carbon stocks in coasta.. [1]
78. Rapidly reducing cadmium from contaminated farmland soil by novel .. [1]
79. Enhancing the growth performance of Sesbania cannabina using Ensif.. [1]
80. Source identification of sedimentary organic carbon in coastal wet.. [1]
81. Source identification and risk assessment of trace metals in surfa.. [1]


1. 海岸环境中微塑料污染及其生态效应研究进展 [1869]
2. 滨海潮滩土壤中微塑料的分离及其表面微观特征 [994]
3. Anthropogenic, Direct Pressures on Coastal Wetlands [662]
4. Abundance and morphology of microplastics in an agricultural soil .. [506]
5. Black Carbon Contributes Substantially to Allochthonous Carbon Sto.. [494]
6. 中国土壤环境质量标准中重金属指标的筛选研究 [418]
7. Stocks and losses of soil organic carbon from Chinese vegetated co.. [399]
8. Structural and Functional Characteristics of Microplastic Associat.. [384]
9. Fenton法和类Fenton法降解土壤中的二苯砷酸 [337]
10. Distribution of heavy metals in soils of the Yellow River Delta: c.. [327]
11. Occurrence of red clay horizon in soil profiles of the Yellow Rive.. [323]
12. 曹妃甸围填海土壤重金属积累的磁化率指示研究 [300]
13. Anthropogenic mercury sequestration in different soil types on the.. [299]
14. Carbon accumulation in the red clay layer of the subsoil in a majo.. [298]
15. 耕地和草地土壤健康研究进展与展望 [285]
16. Impacts of land use and salinization on soil inorganic and organic.. [272]
17. Fabrication of a Micro-Needle Sensor Based on Copper Microspheres .. [266]
18. A novel stainless steel needle electrode based on porous gold nano.. [253]
19. Changes in organic carbon fractions and sources in deltaic topsoil.. [252]
20. 黄河三角洲内陆到潮滩土壤中碳、氮元素的梯度分布规律 [251]
21. 禾本科作物小麦能吸收和积累聚苯乙烯塑料微球 [229]
22. Soil accumulation and chemical fractions of Cu in a large and long.. [219]
23. 禾本科作物小麦能吸收和积累聚苯乙烯塑料微球 [203]
24. 柠檬酸对污染棕壤中镉的去除优化及结合形态影响 [200]
25. Response to "Commentary by J. B. Richardson on 'Anthropogenic merc.. [199]
26. 低密度聚乙烯薄膜微塑料在黄河口海岸带环境中的风化特征 [189]
27. 滨海湿地环境中微塑料表面性质及形貌变化 [180]
28. Response to "Commentary by J. B. Richardson on 'Anthropogenic merc.. [171]
29. Impact of the Kuroshio intrusion on the nutrient inventory in the .. [170]
30. The influences of phytohormones on triacylglycerol accumulation in.. [103]
31. Who made the world's largest green tide in China?-an integrated st.. [101]
32. Further insights into the highly derived haptorids (Ciliophora, Li.. [62]
33. Soil high Cd exacerbates the adverse impact of elevated O-3 on Pop.. [59]
34. Transient expression of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eg.. [56]
35. 黄河三角洲土壤及其红粘层的地球化学特征与环境意义 [11]