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Reducing Livestock Quantities to Avoid Manure Nitrogen Surplus: Would Meat Self-Sufficiency Be Met in Eastern Regions of China? 期刊论文
SSRN, 2023
作者:  Li, Yang;  Sun, Zhigang;  Deng, Xiangzheng;  Accatino, Francesco
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Animals  Fertilizers  Food supply  Manures  Meats  Nitrogen  
互惠共生微生物多样性研究概况 期刊论文
微生物学通报, 2020, 卷号: 47, 期号: 11, 页码: 3899-3917
作者:  蔡昕悦;  刘耀臣;  解志红;  陈应龙;  刘润进
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Mutualistic symbiotic bacteria  Mutualistic symbiotic actinomycetes  Mutualistic symbiotic fungi  Host animals  Host plants  Ecosystem  共生细菌  共生放线菌  共生真菌  宿主动物  寄主植物  生态系统  
近海环境中抗生素分析样品前处理技术的研究进展 期刊论文
色谱, 2020, 卷号: 38, 期号: 1, 页码: 95-103
作者:  吕敏;  陈令新
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抗生素  近海  前处理技术  综述  antibiotics  coastal  pretreatment techniques  review  The widespread and massive usage of antibiotics for the prevention and treatment of diseases in human and animals have resulted in their continuous discharge into the environment, and finally, into the coastal environment through various pathways. Accumulation of antibiotics in aquatic organisms poses a great threat to ecological and human health, especially because it facilitates the generation and spread of bacterial resistance. Given the diverse range of antibiotics with various features, as well as their presence at low concentrations in the environment, it is imperative to develop pretreatment techniques for antibiotics in various matrices. In this paper, the pretreatment methods proposed in recent decades for antibiotics in coastal water, sediment, and biota are summarized, with emphasis on commonly used methods such as solid-phase extraction, solid-liquid extraction, matrix solid-phase dispersion, and QuEChERS. Additionally, the potential factors influencing the extraction performance and clean-up efficiency are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of the methods and their development are finally discussed.  
烟台牟平海洋牧场季节性低氧对大型底栖动物群落的生态效应 期刊论文
生物多样性, 2019, 卷号: 27, 期号: 2, 页码: 200-210
作者:  李宝泉
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低氧  群落结构  群落恢复  敏感种  机会种  hypoxia  community structure  community recovery  sensitive species  opportunistic species  Hypoxia is a common phenomenon in the world's oceans, especially in the shallow waters of coastal zones. Rates of hypoxia are increasing due to global climatic changes and anthropogenic activities. Hypoxia can cause mass mortality of marine animals and can have severe negative impacts on marine ecosystems. To better understand the effects of hypoxia on macrobenthic communities, a survey was carried out in the Muping Marine Ranch (Yantai) during June, August and September of 2016. Results showed that seasonal hypoxia led to changes in benthic community structure, especially in terms of species composition and dominant species. The dominant species were Polychaeta Lumbrinereis latreilli, Sternaspis scutata and Mollusca Endopleura lubrica in summer. The opportunistic species Lumbrinereis latreilli increased, whereas, sensitive species such as Leptomya minuta, Glycera chirori, Upogebia major, Pontocrates altamarimus, Eriopisella sechellensis decreased during the hypoxic period of August. Hypoxia also reduced biodiversity indices. The effect of hypoxia on abundance and biomass were not significant, mainly because of the increase in the opportunistic Lumbrinereis latreilli, which counteracted the decline in abundance and biomass of other species. Individual physiological tolerance to hypoxia was different among species. Lumbrinereis latreilli showed higher tolerance to hypoxia in dissolved oxygen (DO) = 1.0 mg/L compared to other species. Some sensitive species, such as Leptomya minuta, Upogebia major, Pontocrates altamarimus and Eriopisella sechellensis showed lower tolerance when DO < 2.5 mg/L. When DO increased to 2.5 mg/L, the macrobenthic community start to recover gradually. The recovery extent and time needed were closely related to the degree of seasonal hypoxia.  
The relations between metabolic variations and genetic evolution of different species 期刊论文
ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, 2015, 卷号: 477, 页码: 105-114
作者:  Li, Zhishui;  Lin, Chenghong;  Xu, Jingjing;  Wu, Huifeng;  Feng, Jianghua;  Huang, Heguang;  Feng, JH (reprint author), Xiamen Univ, Fujian Prov Key Lab Plasma & Magnet Resonance, Dept Elect Sci, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China. [email protected]
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Nmr  Metabonomics  Physiological Variation  Laboratory Animals  Genetic Evolution