The invention relates to calcium ion detection, in particular to a detection method for calcium ions in seawater. A polymer film calcium ion selective electrode is adopted as the working electrode, athree-electrode system is employed, and pulse constant current is applied for quantitative detection of calcium ions in seawater. The time and magnitude of applied cathode pulse current are optimized, the electrode presents super-Nernst response in the 10-10M Ca activity range (calcium activity in seawater), and the response slope is 104mV/dec. Compared with the traditional potential analysis method, the detection method can effectively improve the detection sensitivity of the electrode to calcium ion detection. The electrode has good selectivity on high content Na, Mg and K in seawater, and has good repeatability and stability. When the electrode is applied to practical seawater calcium ion concentration detection, the detection result coincides with the real calciumion concentration of seawater.