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High-Resolution Geochemical Records in the Inner Shelf Mud Wedge of the East China Sea and Their Indication to the Holocene Monsoon Climatic Changes and Events 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF OCEAN UNIVERSITY OF CHINA, 2021, 卷号: 20, 期号: 6, 页码: 1409-1418
作者:  Wang Longsheng;  Zhou Bin;  Zheng Bang;  Wang Ke;  Mei Xi;  Wang Qing;  Wang Xiaohui;  Zheng Hongbo
收藏  |  浏览/下载:230/0  |  提交时间:2022/07/04
Holocene climatic event  East Asian Summer Monsoon  XRF core scanning  inner shelf mud wedge  
基于实测数据和卫星数据的黄东海透明度估测模型研究 期刊论文
海洋环境科学, 2016, 卷号: 35, 期号: 5, 页码: 774-779
作者:  禹定峰;  周燕;  邢前国;  盖颖颖;  周斌;  樊彦国
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透明度  遥感  反演  黄海  东海  
Monitoring Secchi depth of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea using a semi-analytical algorithm 会议论文
Ocean Remote Sensing and Monitoring from Space, Beijing, China, October 15, 2014 - October 16, 2014
作者:  Yu, Dingfeng(1,2);  Zhou, Bin(1,2);  Xing, Qianguo(3);  Fan, Yanguo(4);  Li, Tantan(4);  Sun, Xiaoling(1)
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Remote Sensing  East China Sea  Modis  Retrieval  Secchi Disk Depth  Yellow Sea  
基于环境一号卫星的四十里湾透明度遥感反演 期刊论文
海洋环境科学, 2014, 卷号: 33, 期号: 4, 页码: 580-584
作者:  禹定峰;  邢前国;  周斌;  孙元芳;  周燕;  盖颖颖;  施平
浏览  |  Adobe PDF(247Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:937/349  |  提交时间:2015/07/30
环境一号  遥感  透明度  四十里湾