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1. Analysis of genetic variation within and among Ulva pertusa (Ulvac.. [1398]
2. Transcriptomic analysis of Synechocystis sp PCC6803 under low-temp.. [1278]
3. 海藻生物肥研究进展与展望 [1129]
4. Ulva and Enteromorpha (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) from two sides of th.. [1095]
5. Molecular diversity of Enteromorpha from the coast of Yantai: a du.. [948]
6. Isolation of a novel alginate lyase-producing Bacillus litoralis s.. [854]
7. 藻类生态型研究进展 [846]
8. Sustainable Antibiofouling Properties of Thin Film Composite Forwa.. [825]
9. Effects of iron on fatty acid and astaxanthin accumulation in mixo.. [818]
10. Surface-independent one-pot chelation of copper ions onto filtrati.. [734]
11. A Highly Photostable Hyperbranched Polyglycerol-Based NIR Fluoresc.. [734]
12. Development of a rapid assay to detect the jellyfish Cyanea nozaki.. [725]
13. 黄渤海典型海岛的石莼属绿藻形态学观察及分子系统发育分析 [714]
14. Genetic characterization of the scyphozoan jellyfish Aurelia spp. .. [699]
15. 一种褐藻寡糖单体的制备方法及褐藻寡糖 [694]
16. Low genetic diversity and lack of genetic structure in the giant j.. [691]
17. Cloning and Expression of a Cytosolic HSP90 Gene in Chlorella vulg.. [686]
18. 全球变化下的海藻学术和应用新趋势 [678]
19. Effects of Temperature and Light on Growth Rate and Photosynthetic.. [648]
20. Radionuclide therapy using I-131-labeled anti-epidermal growth fac.. [644]
21. Comparison of the photo-acclimation potential of floating and bent.. [563]
22. Breaking the permeability-selectivity trade-off in thin-film compo.. [544]
23. Evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness of I-131-antiEGFR-BSA-PCL .. [538]
24. 绿潮暴发期间我国青岛漂浮铜藻的分子鉴定 [534]
25. 漂浮海藻光合作用的特点与研究进展 [524]
26. 铜藻的分类地位、生物地理分布以及2016年底黄海漂浮铜藻源头的初步分析 [521]
27. 基于MSRF 的黄海漂浮浒苔与定生浒苔的甲基化差异分析 [519]
28. 入海河口退化生境阶梯式生态修复策略构想 [501]
29. Catalytic conversion of gaseous tars using land, coastal and marin.. [495]
30. Limited Genetic Connectivity Among Sargassum horneri (Phaeophyceae.. [490]
31. Genetic analyses of floating Ulva prolifera in the Yellow Sea sugg.. [477]
32. Coastal biodiversity and bioresources: variation and sustainabilit.. [473]
33. Undaria pinnatifidaimproves obesity-related outcomes in associatio.. [469]
34. 一种用于降解褐藻酸的嗜糖芽孢杆菌及其应用方法 [468]
35. Responses of soil microbial communities to a short-term applicatio.. [461]
36. Golden seaweed tides from beach inundations as a valuable sustaina.. [455]
37. 海藻提取液对甜樱桃(Prunus avium)生长和果实品质的影响 [451]
38. 漂浮海藻光合作用的特点与研究进展 [446]
39. 褐藻寡糖对翅碱蓬种子萌发及抗盐胁迫能力的影响 [415]
40. 山东半岛漂浮铜藻和底栖铜藻气囊及生殖托的形态学比较分析 [408]
41. Interference of Neodymium with the Antioxidative Defense Mechanism.. [403]
42. Effect of Seaweed Extract Supplement on Rice Rhizosphere Bacterial.. [400]
43. 混合菌群发酵马尾藻作为海藻肥料的研究 [397]
44. Effects of temperature on photosynthetic performance and nitrate r.. [395]
45. Inulin with different degrees of polymerization protects against d.. [392]
46. 褐藻寡糖生物法制备研究进展 [389]
47. 海藻发酵液在樱桃番茄上的施用效果及分析 [374]
48. 底栖铜藻和漂浮铜藻生长与光合生理的比较 [372]
49. Protective Effect of Cerium against Salinity-Induced Oxidative Str.. [364]
50. Climate-Driven Range Shifts of Brown Seaweed Sargassum horneri in .. [359]
51. Low pH in simulated acid rain promotes the toxicity of copper on t.. [353]
52. 一株产纤维素酶的巨大芽孢杆菌及其应用方法 [349]
53. Restoration of cefixime-induced gut microbiota changes by a prebio.. [342]
54. 海藻肥改良苹果园退化土壤的研究进展 [338]
55. The Construction of Antibacterial Filtration Membranes: Current St.. [333]
56. Transient expression of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eg.. [333]
57. A Perspective on Developing a Plant 'Holobiont' for Future Saline .. [309]
58. Nitrogen enrichment mediates the effects of high temperature on th.. [296]
59. Integrated biotechnology to mitigate green tides [290]
60. 海藻提取物对水稻产量及养分利用的影响 [286]
61. 褐藻寡糖生物法制备研究进展 [282]
62. 化肥减量及有机肥增施对富士苹果产量和品质的影响 [280]
63. Effects of desiccation and rehydration on carbon fixation and DOC .. [276]
64. Molecular diversity of Enteromorpha from the coast of Yantai: a du.. [257]
65. 全球变化下的海藻学术和应用新趋势 [238]
66. Ocean acidification exacerbates the inhibition of fluctuating ligh.. [236]
67. Saline-alkali land amendment and value development: Microalgal bio.. [232]
68. 海藻饲料添加剂对蛋鸡产蛋性能、血清抗氧化性及生长的影响 [228]
69. Laminarin, a Major Polysaccharide in Stramenopiles [227]
70. 海胆荒地阻击战 [221]
71. The role and mechanism of commercial macroalgae for soil condition.. [215]
72. Comparative Study on Pyrolysis Kinetics Behavior and High-Temperat.. [211]
73. 断头重生?“魔术高手”海蛞蝓能做到 [204]
74. The contribution of intraspecific variation to future climate resp.. [188]
75. The seaweed holobiont: from microecology to biotechnological appli.. [180]
77. The Inhibitory Effect of Phycocyanin Peptide on Pulmonary Fibrosis.. [159]
78. Golgi fucosyltransferase 1 reveals its important role in alpha-1,4.. [124]
79. 人工放射性核素在海洋鱼类中的富集、分布及放射损伤研究进展 [123]
80. 一株可产高活力褐藻胶裂解酶的勒克氏菌及其应用 [114]
81. 有机肥替代化肥对玉米生长、养分吸收和土壤肥力的影响 [98]
82. 海藻寡糖的化学法降解制备技术研究进展 [95]
83. 一株石油降解菌及其应用 [93]
84. 一株可产褐藻胶裂解酶的勒克氏菌及其应用 [91]
85. 一株可产高活力褐藻胶裂解酶的芽孢杆菌及其应用 [90]
86. 藻类生物钙化研究进展 [90]
87. 4种不同涂膜处理对软枣猕猴桃贮藏品质的影响 [90]
88. 杜氏盐藻促生菌对小白菜耐盐性的影响 [82]
89. 一种防控条斑紫菜黄斑病的方法 [74]
90. 丛枝菌根在盐土农业可持续发展中的作用及前景 [74]
91. 一种弗氏弧菌及其在制备多功能小罐肥中的应用 [73]
92. 一种阴沟肠杆菌株及其在降解褐藻中的应用 [71]
93. 一种原位收集海藻碎屑的装置 [69]
94. 一株芽孢杆菌及其在工业中的应用 [68]
95. 浒苔漂浮生态型对逆境的响应机制 [68]
96. 一种便于运输的海藻肥专用包装桶 [66]
97. 一种提取藻蓝胆素的方法 [66]
98. 藻胆素结合肽及其应用 [65]
99. 一种水凝胶及其制备方法 [65]
100. 一种短短芽孢杆菌ADT及其应用 [64]


1. Sustainable Antibiofouling Properties of Thin Film Composite Forwa.. [411]
2. Analysis of genetic variation within and among Ulva pertusa (Ulvac.. [372]
3. 海藻生物肥研究进展与展望 [372]
4. A Highly Photostable Hyperbranched Polyglycerol-Based NIR Fluoresc.. [347]
5. Surface-independent one-pot chelation of copper ions onto filtrati.. [345]
6. Genetic characterization of the scyphozoan jellyfish Aurelia spp. .. [333]
7. Development of a rapid assay to detect the jellyfish Cyanea nozaki.. [325]
8. Low genetic diversity and lack of genetic structure in the giant j.. [323]
9. Effects of Temperature and Light on Growth Rate and Photosynthetic.. [309]
10. Radionuclide therapy using I-131-labeled anti-epidermal growth fac.. [294]
11. Evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness of I-131-antiEGFR-BSA-PCL .. [246]
12. Transcriptomic analysis of Synechocystis sp PCC6803 under low-temp.. [242]
13. 全球变化下的海藻学术和应用新趋势 [238]
14. 藻类生态型研究进展 [216]
15. Effects of iron on fatty acid and astaxanthin accumulation in mixo.. [210]
16. 漂浮海藻光合作用的特点与研究进展 [202]
17. Ulva and Enteromorpha (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) from two sides of th.. [198]
18. 黄渤海典型海岛的石莼属绿藻形态学观察及分子系统发育分析 [198]
19. Breaking the permeability-selectivity trade-off in thin-film compo.. [166]
20. Genetic analyses of floating Ulva prolifera in the Yellow Sea sugg.. [165]
21. Molecular diversity of Enteromorpha from the coast of Yantai: a du.. [163]
22. 铜藻的分类地位、生物地理分布以及2016年底黄海漂浮铜藻源头的初步分析 [158]
23. Isolation of a novel alginate lyase-producing Bacillus litoralis s.. [142]
24. Limited Genetic Connectivity Among Sargassum horneri (Phaeophyceae.. [140]
25. 入海河口退化生境阶梯式生态修复策略构想 [134]
26. Responses of soil microbial communities to a short-term applicatio.. [134]
27. 基于MSRF 的黄海漂浮浒苔与定生浒苔的甲基化差异分析 [131]
28. 绿潮暴发期间我国青岛漂浮铜藻的分子鉴定 [130]
29. Catalytic conversion of gaseous tars using land, coastal and marin.. [126]
30. 混合菌群发酵马尾藻作为海藻肥料的研究 [120]
31. Cloning and Expression of a Cytosolic HSP90 Gene in Chlorella vulg.. [107]
32. Coastal biodiversity and bioresources: variation and sustainabilit.. [105]
33. Effects of temperature on photosynthetic performance and nitrate r.. [104]
34. Undaria pinnatifidaimproves obesity-related outcomes in associatio.. [99]
35. 海藻肥改良苹果园退化土壤的研究进展 [90]
36. 海藻提取液对甜樱桃(Prunus avium)生长和果实品质的影响 [88]
37. 海藻发酵液在樱桃番茄上的施用效果及分析 [86]
38. 山东半岛漂浮铜藻和底栖铜藻气囊及生殖托的形态学比较分析 [85]
39. Nitrogen enrichment mediates the effects of high temperature on th.. [80]
40. 褐藻寡糖生物法制备研究进展 [73]
41. 褐藻寡糖对翅碱蓬种子萌发及抗盐胁迫能力的影响 [57]
42. Transient expression of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eg.. [56]
43. Comparison of the photo-acclimation potential of floating and bent.. [56]
44. Golden seaweed tides from beach inundations as a valuable sustaina.. [54]
45. 海藻提取物对水稻产量及养分利用的影响 [53]
46. 全球变化下的海藻学术和应用新趋势 [45]
47. Climate-Driven Range Shifts of Brown Seaweed Sargassum horneri in .. [42]
48. The Construction of Antibacterial Filtration Membranes: Current St.. [41]
49. 底栖铜藻和漂浮铜藻生长与光合生理的比较 [39]
50. 褐藻寡糖生物法制备研究进展 [35]
51. 化肥减量及有机肥增施对富士苹果产量和品质的影响 [35]
52. Inulin with different degrees of polymerization protects against d.. [32]
53. 海藻饲料添加剂对蛋鸡产蛋性能、血清抗氧化性及生长的影响 [30]
54. 断头重生?“魔术高手”海蛞蝓能做到 [28]
55. 海胆荒地阻击战 [28]
56. 漂浮海藻光合作用的特点与研究进展 [25]
57. Low pH in simulated acid rain promotes the toxicity of copper on t.. [21]