利用TOPEX高度计风速资料,实现了对太平洋海面粗糙度(z0)的计算。1997~1999年正是厄尔尼诺与拉尼娜事件发生时期,作者研究了1997~1999年z0在ENSO期间的变化后发现:(1)EI Nion发生期间赤道附近z0最大值在A,C,B 3个站点上移动;最小值在B,A 2个站点上移动。(2)Li Nina发生期间赤道附近z0最小值在A站点,最大值主要在B站点上。Li Nina发生期间,1999年15个站点z0均大于正常年份和EI Nion发生期间的15个站点z0。(3)ENSO期间,四季z0与正常年份相比都有显著改变。; We calculated va lues o f ro ug hness in 15 po int s using w ind speed by TOPEX satellite Altimeter . We studied t he chang es of ro ug hness dur ing 1997~ 1999 ( ENSO perio d) and compa red them w ith ro ug hness in 1996. We find some character istics as fo llow s: T he lar gest roug hness nea rby equat or is mo ving fr om stat ion A to statio n C to statio n B and t he smallest roughness is mov ing fr om statio n B to stat ion A during the EI Nion per iod. The smallest ro ug hness is in stat ion A and the larg est r oughness is in statio n B dur ing LI Nina per iod. T he r oughness o f 15 st ations in 1999 is bigg er than tho se in 1996, 1997, 1998. The r oughness of 4 seasons has pr ominent change dur ing ENSO per iod when compar ed w ith 1996.